Utilities are an important consideration in any move. Because there are several options for telephone service, internet and home-heating solutions, be sure to consider all of the alternatives before you make a selection. Also remember that utility connections can take anywhere from one week to one month to complete from the time you place the order.
Electricity/Natural Gas
We Energies serves more than 1.1 million electric customers and 1.1 million natural gas customers in Wisconsin, including all of southeast Wisconsin; and nearly 400 steam customers in downtown Milwaukee. We Energies, along with its parent company WEC Energy Group, is building a bright, sustainable future by cutting emissions, investing in renewable energy and exploring promising technologies that may help shape the future of clean energy.
For utility connection information, call 800-242-9137 (24 hours a day) or click “Start, Stop, Move Energy Service” at: www.we-energies.com. We Energies is the trade name of Wisconsin Electric Power Co. and Wisconsin Gas LLC, utility subsidiaries of WEC Energy Group Inc.
Cable, Internet & Telephone
There are many options for cable TV, streaming, internet and telephone service, including landline, wireless and cable. For most communities in southeastern Wisconsin, the local landline exchange carrier is AT&T Wisconsin (Telephone: 800-288-2020); Website: att.com/local/wisconsin/milwaukee). Smaller telephone companies serve the rural areas of southeastern Wisconsin. TDS Telecom (Telephone: 866-734-0704; Website: tdstelecom.com) which serves rural Racine County and environs. A full array of services, including landlines, are available in most areas of the five-county region through Spectrum (Telephone: 855-366-7132),(Website: spectrum.com/services/wisconsin).
A number of other nationwide cellular providers offer landline options in the region as well.