b'MB-006 2020-21 Relo - Single Page_MB-706.qxd2/21/20219:08 PMPage 77WAUKESHA COUNTYBrookfield and realized the rivers potential for power. The village boasts more than 2,000 acres of village and county parklands, and the Brookfield is ideally situated. Located on the eastern edge ofbeautiful countryside of Washington County and Waukeshas Waukesha County, it is a blend of beautiful newer residences andLake Country are located just a few minutes away. It is also a established homesteads dating back to the early part of the 19thhotbed of single-family residential development. The village of century. It is a large community, covering more than 27 squareLannon is probably best known for its quarries. They have miles and has a population of nearly 40,000, making it one of theprovided the building materials for the regions iconic Lannon-largest and most-populous communities in Waukesha County.stone homes. Other fast-growing communities in northern Brookfield is home to dozens of upscale subdivisions and MUNICIPALITYMedian IncomeTime to AirportMedian 2020 condominium projects. It also is a regional shopping and businessWebsitePopulation Miles to Downtown Home Sales Price center. Tax RateBUTLER$50,71225 minutes$165,500 MUNICIPALITYMedian IncomeTime to AirportMedian 2020butlerwi.gov1,808 15 miles $17.91WebsitePopulation Miles to Downtown Home Sales PriceSchools: Hamilton; Menomonee FallsTax RateBROOKFIELD$101,76120 minutes$413,500LANNON$58,08440 minutes$214,500 ci.brookfield.wi.us39,95112 miles $15.50 villageoflannon.com1,223 18 miles $13.02Schools: Elmbrook; Brookfield Schools: Hamilton; Menomonee FallsLISBON$89,63540 minutes$334,500 Northern Waukesha Countytownoflisbonwi.com10,52320 miles $12.81Schools: Arrowhead; Merton; Hamilton; RichmondMENOMONEE FALLS$77,06940 minutes$296,000 Menomonee FallsLisbon 38,999 18 miles $14.59menomonee-falls.orgSussexButlerLannon Schools: Menomonee Falls; HamiltonMenomonee Falls, located in the northeastern corner ofSUSSEX$84,22940 minutes$334,500 Waukesha County, was founded in 1843 by a German immigrantvillage.sussex.wi.us11,273 20 miles $15.33who noticed a series of tumbling rapids on the Menomonee RiverSchools: HamiltonWere here to supportCommunity isfriendly service. Its a feeling, its a promise, its a our community commitmentto our customers,to our local schools, to businesses,to nonprofits, and beyond.because thats what Solutions for every banking need, local bankingpersonal and business:WAUKESHA BANKPersonalChecking&SavingsAccounts1/2 Page Ad Mortgages&HomeEquityLinesofCreditis all about.PersonalLoans Online&MobileBanking CommercialBanking,Lending,&Payroll AndMore!For locations and the friendliest in service visit WaukeshaBank.com.Member FDIC@discoverMKE.com / discovermilwaukee.com 77'