b'MB-006 2020-21 Relo - Single Page_MB-706.qxd2/21/20219:08 PMPage 56SCHOOLS: PUBLIC & PRIVATEContinued from Page 54 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS The Lutheran ChurchMissouri and Wisconsin EvangelicalFor over 175 years, Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Lutheranoffer elementary and secondary education inMilwaukee have taught lifelong Christian values that enable southeastern Wisconsin. students to become future leaders, faith-filled disciples and The South Wisconsin District of The Lutheran Church engaged citizens. In 86 elementary and 16 high schools Missouri Synod operates 53 elementary schools, 27throughout the 10-county area, Catholic school educators are preschools/childcares, and six high schools, five of which arerooted in the recognition that each student is a unique human located in the metro area: Milwaukee Lutheran High School,being progressing through various stages of growth and Racine Lutheran High School, Lake Country Lutheran Highdevelopment. Every day, nearly 30,000 students are encouraged School (Hartland), Living Word Lutheran School (Jackson), andto grow in mind, body and spiritin safe, supportive Martin Luther High School (Greendale). The Wisconsinenvironments. Activities inside and outside the classroom guide Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) has four high schools instudents to embrace a life grounded in the Gospel and prayer, the area: Wisconsin Lutheran and Kingdom Prep (Wauwatosa),creating communities of love and service. The fully accredited Shoreland (Somers) and Kettle Moraine (Jackson).curriculum in Catholic schools adheres to all state and federal standards, with students exceeding the national average on LutheranMissouri Synodstandardized tests. In addition to individual schools, Seton 53 elementary schools, six high schools and 27 freestanding preschools andCatholic Schools (setoncatholicschools.com), with 10 childcare centers in southern Wisconsin. District Office: 8100 W. Capitol Dr.,schools in Milwaukee County, and Siena Catholic Schools Milwaukee 53222; Telephone: (414) 464-8100 (sienacatholicschools.org), with six schools in Racine County, Info: info@swd.lcms.org or swd.lcms.org share resources to serve students from all faiths and backgrounds. Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)409 elementary/early childhood schools, 27 high schools (Synodwide) Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee Synod Office: N16 W23377 Stone Ridge Drive, Waukesha 53188 86 elementary schools, 16 high schoolsTelephone: (414) 259-4354District Office: 3501 S. Lake Dr., Milwaukee 53207wels.net/serving-you/christian-life/education/lutheran-schools Find a school at archmil.org/schools.All photos captured prior to the COVID-19 health emergency Welcome home.to your educationalWAUWATOSA SCHOOLS community.1/2 Page AdMoving Forward Togetherwww.wauwatosaschools.org@TosaSchools56 YOUR RELOCATION RESOURCE'