Relocation Guide 2019-2020

BROOKFIELD ACADEMY full-page ad Page 53 a lifetime of success begins at Brookfield Academy! • Small Class sizes; teacher/student ratio 1:9 • Safe and nurturing learning environment • Eager, inspired, inquisitive students become lifelong learners • Curriculum reflects respect for freedom, liberty, and  personal responsibility  • Texts and lessons chosen for consistency with time-proven  Judeo-Christian values • Creative, age-appropriate course work prepares students  for challenging Upper School classes  LET US BE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOL! Visit to schedule a tour of our beautiful campus. • 24 AP courses offered in the Upper School • Standardized test scores well above national average   (ERB, SAT, ACT): average ACT score 28 • High percentage of National Merit Finalists, Commended  Scholars, and Cum Laude Society inductees • 100% of students enter a four-year college or university  upon graduation • Parents actively engaged in school life BA really prepares children in all aspects of life. It’s not just the academics – they teach kindness and respect. They inspire kids to be their best in a very nurturing environment. -Brookfield Academy Parent  From K3 to graduation day – our students learn, play, and grow. 3462 N. Brookfield Rd. • Brookfield, WI 53045 • 262-783-3200 • An Independent College Preparatory School K3 – Grade 12 The mission of Brookfield Academy is to graduate students prepared for college and life, educated in the skills, values, and heritage of responsible, constructive, free people.